someday ill be in company of all....

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Eleven minutes by Paulo Coelho

Its a daring novel of Maria ,whose is heart broken at a very young age by the relationships she was on to thus concluding that she'll never find true love..Right from when she was eleven her beauty was adored but nobody wanted to embrace the girl in her..This book is about discovering fantasy called sex through Maria's character..She is a paradigmatic girl whose journey took her through love,lust, betrayal,confusion, attraction by the men she was involved..She never had a steady relationship always ended up being betrayed ..Her past gives her courage to follow completely different path breaking rules of society's confinement..This makes her travel seeking knowledge building a window to her inner self, from Brazilian village  to Rio to Switzerland.. In search of fame and wealth unfortunately ending up as a prostitute..In Switzerland she is given with a choice to go back home or to become high class prostitute  and she chose the latter.. But when he meets handsome painter Ralf and as love blooms its turns out to be her battle to fight between desire and life there by true love..Ralf sees the light in her beyond the mask of a prostitute...
This book ventures upon prejudice on sex dealing things philosophically and through simple dialogues between Maria and intellectual Ralf  ..Maria's character is  not of a girl who becomes a prostitute by fate that earns her sympathy but she comes one by choice somehow puzzles the reader yet I couldn't get to hate her only like her more as the story culminates..
Best part of novel is that author speaks from a prostitute's point, her desire her wish to seek knowledge , wanting to travel more and learn things are amazingly portrayed.. This is something unexpected from an author of a book like Alchemist.. Love sex, desire all three are completely dissected and well placed completely , that nothing feels overdone..Difference between the sacredness of sex and masochism is neatly built on..The treatment of the subject is different and refreshing so is the beginning of the novel.."Once upon a time, there was a prostitute called Maria. Wait a minute. "Once upon a time" is how all the best children's stories begin and "prostitute" is a word for adults. How can I start with this apparent contradiction? Author has differentiated sex from love making and tells that when involved with the right man with all love a girl feel her divine self..The novel uncovers about human body its desires and need in simplicity and elegance..

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