someday ill be in company of all....

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Book Review: Fire study by Mria V Snyder

Yelena is cast away as a threat to Sitia..She is tagged as a soul stealer...With limited magic study and her trusted friends she is all set in search of Cahil and Ferde soon realising she is on the wrong path...There are people who are using ancient blood magic to take over Citadel...Final book of study series Yelena is entrusted with the duty to save her home and people, thereby exploring her own identity to live by...

I love fantasy and the way Poison Study (click here to read) gripped me I got myself onto other books in the series  parallel to Poison study...Book -II deals with Yelena trying to master magic click here to read..The finale deals with Yelana's quest to understand her true role in her world... Yelena is through her apprenticeship and ever since the news of her being the soul finder is out, people are uneasy., as last soul finder turned out to be a real villain ...Everything goes bad against Yelena as the council is not convinced of her...Valek turning up time and again was a real life saver for the novel...And man Valek has his way to turn up for his love in every situations, how beautiful! Finally  Yelena  realizes that she is not a soul stealer like all say but a soul finder who has the power to capture and release souls...
Yelena gets better and stronger for good in this book, she is much sure about what she is dealing and doing, even when she has limited resources...Valek of course helps her out in the nick of the moment...Snyder has done a fab job in developing the characters through the series while retaining the characters of some...The twists and turns are enjoyable even when you are rushing through the pages...I would appreciate Snyder for creating awesome moments throughout the book even when the splendor of the book was on low.note .I loved when the old characters from previous book came up especially Janco and Ari along with Maren ..
This book like its predecessor has adventure, fantasy man (Valek oh oh thats my person choice!!!), magic, villain, friends..The book can be read alone without following other books in the series but if you have read Poison study by any chance I am sure you'll end up reading other two yet nothing could make up for the love you gather for the book -I, I don't know if it is just me who feels so...
I wouldn't say the book was bad but being a part of the series with an amazing Poison study somehow this one  lacked the vibe that was missing in it....
Of course I can't wrap up the series without my favorite quote
" There's always another storm.It's the way the world works.Snowstorms, rainstorms,windstorms,sandstorms and firestorms.Some are fierce and some are small.You have to deal with each one separately, but you to keep an eye on what's brewing on for tomorrow."

1 comment:

  1. I really like fantasy books. I have not read this series but it sounds imaginative and a bit different.

    I love that quote about storms. It is very wise and reflects some of my own thinking.


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