someday ill be in company of all....

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Book Review:Just this once by Rosalind James- Blog tour

Title:Just this once
Author: Rosalind James
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Rating: 4 .5 out of 5
Source: Review copy -RABT

Everyone needs to be rescued sometimes.  Everyone but Hannah Montgomery, that is. She just needs a vacation. Three weeks in New Zealand to sort out her life, figure out what she wants, seems just right. Oh, and to relax. She should definitely put that on the agenda. She certainly isn't looking for a fling with a professional rugby player, no matter how attractive he is. Hannah doesn't do casual. But maybe just this once. . .

Drew Callahan is happy to help Hannah find all the fun she's been missing. But as much as he's shared with her, he's kept one very big secret. And learning the truth, now that she's back home again, has made Hannah warier than ever. Drew knows that she's right for him. But how can he convince her to let down her guard enough to explore what they could have together?

Losing her father at an early age of twelve and a mother slipping down into a web of grief,  Hannah Montegomery had to step on the shoes of a mother and be a father figure growing up too quickly for the sake of her younger brother Matt and sister Kristen...Working hard into a career she is gown to be comfortable, she loves orderliness and high end responsibility..With all the towering work  with wonderful colleague, friends and family she spends little time for herself..With her long overdue of a vacation she has never taken,  she decides on New Zealand going by the landscape through the movie Lord of Rings...Out of blue enters Drew Callahan in to her life ,whose overwhelming presence and manners intimidate her , having spend three weeks of a dream come reality with her fantasy man she is unable to shake off her dream against the reality..But to her surprise the dream follows her, Drew taking every opportunity to be with her... There is more in the store as she embarrassingly discovers him to be a star Rugby player and  "All Black" , the national team captain...With her siblings moving away into their own shelf of independent life, Hannah is left all alone again, but now Drew comes filling in wrapping her up through all...But her insecurities surfaces vividly just as Drew wants to take step ahead to make their relationship more concrete beyond dating, dinner and lovy dovy talks...With the reality striking and the situation demanding her quick decision Hannah finds very things slipping away...

Rosalind James has worked her way to allure the reader into New Zealand, with its exotic beaches, picturesque island and exquisite cuisine...I wanted to grab my bag  for a long vacation...The romance is beautifully done, there were times when  I looked away from the screen to smile upon the beauty that love can only bring in...Its just not the romance that would appeal the reader, a lending ear of a friend through Sussanah, love and care of Hannah's colleague Emery and Beth, frantic sibling issues all make it a good read... Hannah's reserved and adventurous spirit definitely went well with me and of course who wouldn't like the dashing and debonair Drew!!!...This one would be a great pick for anyone who love a short and sweet romantic flick...

About author:

Rosalind James is the author of three romance/women’s fiction novels in the "Escape to New Zealand" series, and is hard at work now on the fourth book. A marketing professional and publishing industry veteran, she has lived all over the United States and in a number of other countries, traveling with her civil engineer husband. Most recently, she spent several years in Australia and New Zealand, where she fell in love with the people, the landscape, and the culture of both countries.
Rosalind self-published the first three books in the “Escape to New Zealand” on August 31, 2012, and offered the first book, “Just This Once,” as a free download through Amazon’s Kindle Select program on September 7. The book was downloaded over 14,500 times in three days, reaching #2 in Women’s Contemporary Fiction, #7 in all Romance, and #23 among all free Kindle books. Within four days of the promotion, James had sold over 800 books, and “Just This Once” had reached #82 in Women’s Contemporary Fiction in the Amazon store. James credits the book’s overnight success to the fact that “everyone would like to escape to New Zealand! I know I did!
Author's website 


“I have a commitment in Auckland tomorrow,” Drew told her when he had docked at the marina and they were back in the ute again. “But I’ll be here the next day. Can I take you to dinner?”
“Sure. I’ll be here four more days, and I’d like that.”
He frowned. “Where are you off to next?”
“Rotorua. Not sure I’m pronouncing it right. That seems to be someplace I need to visit. Where they have the geothermal area. But I wanted a week here first. My beach vacation.”
“Yeh,” he smiled. “I know Rotorua, a bit. I’ll pick you up at seven-thirty, then, day after tomorrow.”
“What should I wear?” 
“Noplace too posh on the Coromandel. What you had on yesterday was good.”
“Good to know. I’ll look forward to it. And thank you for today. I loved it. That was one of the best adventures I’ve ever had.”
“Led an exciting life, have you?” he asked drily. 
“Not so much,” she admitted. “Making up for it a bit now, I guess. Almost drowning yesterday, and going for my first snorkel today.”
“Glad to help with your adventures,” he assured her as he pulled up to her motel.
By the time he came around to help her out of the tall vehicle, she had already opened the door and hopped down.
“You’re disappointing my mum again,” he sighed. “Here I was, ready to show you my manners, and you didn’t give me the chance.”
“Tell your mother I’m very impressed, so far. And thanks again,” she said as she turned at her motel door.
And that’s as far as you’re getting today, boy, he told himself. Never mind, he had a fair bit of determination. And every intention of using it.
“I’ll see you day after tomorrow, then.” He took her by the shoulders and kissed her gently, his mouth moving over hers, keeping it soft. And felt the zing of the contact straight down to his groin. Oh, yes. There was chemistry there, no worries.
He stepped back and saw her smiling up at him, pulled her closer, and kissed her again with a bit more heat, giving into temptation and letting his tongue briefly touch the deep bow of her upper lip. He’d been staring at that bow all day, and he was only human, after all. He let her go at last, and watched as she unlocked her door and stepped inside.
Four more days. Good as gold.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the review, and for hosting me on my blog tour! I loved how well you captured Hannah's emotions and the difficulty she had in taking that leap of faith. --Rosalind James


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